AKC (1) ATP (1) Bible (1) Binder (1) California (1) Chico (1) Covid-19 (2) Flourish (1) Ghana (1) Google Trends (1) Jupyter (1) Magnus Carlsen (1) Masters (1) Matplotlib (1) PGA (1) Pareto chart (1) Python (1) R (6) SF Giants (2) Sankey (1) Seaborn (1) Tableau (3) Texas Holdem (1) WTA (1) World Bank (1) bar chart (1) baseball (2) birth (1) breed (1) bubble chart (1) bump chart (1) chess (1) choropleth (2) d3.js (4) dog (1) energy burden (1) food truck (1) ggplot (1) golf (1) heatmap (2) line chart (4) line plot (1) linear regression (2) lollipop chart (1) low income (1) map (3) pitching (2) poker (1) sabermetrics (2) scatterplot (2) stacked area chart (1) stacked bar chart (1) step chart (2) tennis (1) time series (6) unemployment (1) wildfire (1)

 AKC (1)

Which Dog Breeds are the Most Popular in the United States?

 ATP (1)

Are there More Upsets in the ATP or WTA?

 Bible (1)

How do the Sizes of the 66 Books of the Bible Compare?

 Binder (1)

Are there More Upsets in the ATP or WTA?

 California (1)

Are California Wildfires Getting Worse?

 Chico (1)

How Safe are Food Trucks in Chico, CA?

 Covid-19 (2)

Creating an Interactive Bar Chart of U.S. Covid-19 Confirmed Cases and Deaths by State and County
Creating an Animated County-Level Choropleth Map of U.S. Covid-19 Confirmed Cases and Deaths

 Flourish (1)

A Sankey Diagram of Magnus Carlsen's 120 Straight Classical Chess Wins

 Ghana (1)

What is Life like in Ghana?
Which Dog Breeds are the Most Popular in the United States?

 Jupyter (1)

Are there More Upsets in the ATP or WTA?

 Magnus Carlsen (1)

A Sankey Diagram of Magnus Carlsen's 120 Straight Classical Chess Wins

 Masters (1)

A New Way to Compare Golf Tournament Results?

 Matplotlib (1)

Are there More Upsets in the ATP or WTA?

 PGA (1)

A New Way to Compare Golf Tournament Results?

 Pareto chart (1)

How Safe are Food Trucks in Chico, CA?

 Python (1)

Are there More Upsets in the ATP or WTA?

 R (6)

How did the Giants Finish in 2018?
How Does Energy Burden Affect Low-Income Populations in the U.S.?
Are California Wildfires Getting Worse?
Are Women Waiting Longer to have Children in the U.S.?
Are the San Francisco Giants Starting Well in 2018?
Which Dog Breeds are the Most Popular in the United States?

 SF Giants (2)

How did the Giants Finish in 2018?
Are the San Francisco Giants Starting Well in 2018?

 Sankey (1)

A Sankey Diagram of Magnus Carlsen's 120 Straight Classical Chess Wins

 Seaborn (1)

What Effect does the Number of Players have on Texas Holdem Results?

 Tableau (3)

How Safe are Food Trucks in Chico, CA?
What is Life like in Ghana?
How do the Sizes of the 66 Books of the Bible Compare?

 Texas Holdem (1)

What Effect does the Number of Players have on Texas Holdem Results?

 WTA (1)

Are there More Upsets in the ATP or WTA?

 World Bank (1)

What is Life like in Ghana?

 bar chart (1)

Creating an Interactive Bar Chart of U.S. Covid-19 Confirmed Cases and Deaths by State and County

 baseball (2)

How did the Giants Finish in 2018?
Are the San Francisco Giants Starting Well in 2018?

 birth (1)

Are Women Waiting Longer to have Children in the U.S.?

 breed (1)

Which Dog Breeds are the Most Popular in the United States?

 bubble chart (1)

How do the Sizes of the 66 Books of the Bible Compare?

 bump chart (1)

Which Dog Breeds are the Most Popular in the United States?

 chess (1)

A Sankey Diagram of Magnus Carlsen's 120 Straight Classical Chess Wins

 choropleth (2)

Creating an Animated County-Level Choropleth Map of U.S. Covid-19 Confirmed Cases and Deaths
Experimenting with d3.js to Create an Animated Choropleth Map of U.S. Unemployment by County

 d3.js (4)

Creating an Interactive Bar Chart of U.S. Covid-19 Confirmed Cases and Deaths by State and County
Creating an Animated County-Level Choropleth Map of U.S. Covid-19 Confirmed Cases and Deaths
A New Way to Compare Golf Tournament Results?
Experimenting with d3.js to Create an Animated Choropleth Map of U.S. Unemployment by County

 dog (1)

Which Dog Breeds are the Most Popular in the United States?

 energy burden (1)

How Does Energy Burden Affect Low-Income Populations in the U.S.?

 food truck (1)

How Safe are Food Trucks in Chico, CA?

 ggplot (1)

Which Dog Breeds are the Most Popular in the United States?

 golf (1)

A New Way to Compare Golf Tournament Results?

 heatmap (2)

What Effect does the Number of Players have on Texas Holdem Results?
Which Dog Breeds are the Most Popular in the United States?

 line chart (4)

How did the Giants Finish in 2018?
Are Women Waiting Longer to have Children in the U.S.?
Are the San Francisco Giants Starting Well in 2018?
What is Life like in Ghana?

 line plot (1)

What Effect does the Number of Players have on Texas Holdem Results?

 linear regression (2)

Are California Wildfires Getting Worse?
Are Women Waiting Longer to have Children in the U.S.?

 lollipop chart (1)

How Does Energy Burden Affect Low-Income Populations in the U.S.?

 low income (1)

How Does Energy Burden Affect Low-Income Populations in the U.S.?

 map (3)

Creating an Animated County-Level Choropleth Map of U.S. Covid-19 Confirmed Cases and Deaths
Experimenting with d3.js to Create an Animated Choropleth Map of U.S. Unemployment by County
How Does Energy Burden Affect Low-Income Populations in the U.S.?

 pitching (2)

How did the Giants Finish in 2018?
Are the San Francisco Giants Starting Well in 2018?

 poker (1)

What Effect does the Number of Players have on Texas Holdem Results?

 sabermetrics (2)

How did the Giants Finish in 2018?
Are the San Francisco Giants Starting Well in 2018?

 scatterplot (2)

Are California Wildfires Getting Worse?
Are Women Waiting Longer to have Children in the U.S.?

 stacked area chart (1)

What is Life like in Ghana?

 stacked bar chart (1)

A New Way to Compare Golf Tournament Results?

 step chart (2)

How did the Giants Finish in 2018?
Are the San Francisco Giants Starting Well in 2018?

 tennis (1)

Are there More Upsets in the ATP or WTA?

 time series (6)

How did the Giants Finish in 2018?
Are California Wildfires Getting Worse?
Are Women Waiting Longer to have Children in the U.S.?
Are there More Upsets in the ATP or WTA?
Are the San Francisco Giants Starting Well in 2018?
What is Life like in Ghana?

 unemployment (1)

Experimenting with d3.js to Create an Animated Choropleth Map of U.S. Unemployment by County

 wildfire (1)

Are California Wildfires Getting Worse?